Survey of new students: Your chance to win £50!

  The University of Lincoln is keen to collect feedback from all new students on a range of issues relating to application, enrolment, induction and the first weeks of your experience as a student. This is your opportunity to let us know what worked well, and help us to improve aspects of these processes in…Continue Reading Survey of new students: Your chance to win £50!

University Law Clinic – Free Legal Advice

The Law Clinic is now open for the academic year and is accepting new clients from within the University Community. The Law Clinic is a pro bono initiative run by the Law School that allows Law Students to get invaluable practical experience by giving free legal advice to real clients with real legal issues. Therefore,…Continue Reading University Law Clinic – Free Legal Advice

The Find Your Feet Careers Fair – 20 November

The Find Your Feet Careers Fair is just two weeks away!! The careers fair will take place in the Engine Shed from 10am-3pm on Wednesday 20th November. With over 60 employers under one roof, it’s not an event to miss. Here are just some of the fantastic employers coming to Lincoln: Siemens HMRC PepsiCo New media…Continue Reading The Find Your Feet Careers Fair – 20 November

University of Lincoln Bursaries

If you are eligible for one of the following University of Lincoln bursaries you will receive the first instalment between the 11th-14th November 2013. 2013/14 UoL Support Package (13/14 entrants only) 2013/14 UoL Access Bursary (13/14 entrants only) UoL Young Student Bursary (continuing students only) UoL Higher Access Bursary (continuing students only) UoL Access Bursary…Continue Reading University of Lincoln Bursaries

University Alliance Christmas Card Competition 2013

University Alliance are running a competition to design their 2013 Christmas card. The theme this year is ‘Global’. The winner, as well as designing the new card, will receive £50 High Street gift vouchers and will be credited on the back of the card which will be seen by hundreds of key figures, including MPs,…Continue Reading University Alliance Christmas Card Competition 2013

Engaging with Employers Conference – 14 November

Engaging with Employers: Partnership and Collaboration in a changing environment Conference A partnership conference led by FACE, UALL, AoA and NIACE. Reduced rate for University of Lincoln staff and students. Date: 14 Nov 2013 Venue: Lincoln: University of Lincoln, Main Administrative Building, Rm MB1019, Brayford Pool, Lincoln LN6 7TS Ref: C3188LIN/1113 Fee: £ 69 – reduced fee for…Continue Reading Engaging with Employers Conference – 14 November

Cafe Scientifique makes its way to Lincoln

Scientists will be swapping the lab for the pub at Lincoln’s first Cafe Scientifique event this month. The aim is to bring together like-minded people to chat about major scientific topics and how these advances impact on our lives. But you don’t need a degree to get involved; the aim is to bring science out…Continue Reading Cafe Scientifique makes its way to Lincoln