Student as Producer Focus Groups: £20 voucher for participants

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Student as Producer was adopted as the organising principle for teaching and learning at the University of Lincoln in 2010.

Student as Producer promotes student research as a core component of undergraduate teaching for all programmes across the University, so that students are regarded as part of the academic project of the University.

I am currently working with colleagues and students to evaluate the impact of Student as Producer at Lincoln and across the sector.  As part of this evaluation we are holding focus groups with current undergraduate students at the University of Lincoln.

The focus groups will be held in early December 2013 and last approximately 1 hour. Students will be given a £20 gift voucher for participating in the focus groups.

If you are interested in participating in this research please contact me directly on

Yours sincerely,

Gary Saunders

PhD Candidate
Lecturer of Criminology
School of Social and Political Sciences
University of Lincoln