University Alliance are running a competition to design their 2013 Christmas card. The theme this year is ‘Global’. The winner, as well as designing the new card, will receive £50 High Street gift vouchers and will be credited on the back of the card which will be seen by hundreds of key figures, including MPs,…Continue Reading University Alliance Christmas Card Competition 2013
Category: Events
Engaging with Employers Conference – 14 November
Engaging with Employers: Partnership and Collaboration in a changing environment Conference A partnership conference led by FACE, UALL, AoA and NIACE. Reduced rate for University of Lincoln staff and students. Date: 14 Nov 2013 Venue: Lincoln: University of Lincoln, Main Administrative Building, Rm MB1019, Brayford Pool, Lincoln LN6 7TS Ref: C3188LIN/1113 Fee: £ 69 – reduced fee for…Continue Reading Engaging with Employers Conference – 14 November
Cafe Scientifique makes its way to Lincoln
Scientists will be swapping the lab for the pub at Lincoln’s first Cafe Scientifique event this month. The aim is to bring together like-minded people to chat about major scientific topics and how these advances impact on our lives. But you don’t need a degree to get involved; the aim is to bring science out…Continue Reading Cafe Scientifique makes its way to Lincoln
Postgraduate Training This November
Discover what training and education opportunities are available this November. The Graduate School hosts a range of varied training and education events throughout the academic year for both research and taught postgraduates. You can see what events we have coming up in November on our blog:…Continue Reading Postgraduate Training This November
Diwali Dhamka event at the University – 4 November
The University of Lincoln will host a special Diwali celebration on 4 November. Students are welcome to joint the festivities in the Atrium (Main Admin Building) from  6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. All are welcome. For more information, please email…Continue Reading Diwali Dhamka event at the University – 4 November
Guest Lecture by Dr Alec Shepley and Dr Jim Cheshire
Lincoln School of Art & Design: In Session – Re-imagining Art Schools for the 21st Century – Tuesday 19th November 2013 The Lincoln School of Art & Design, in collaboration with the Royal Society of Arts and Public Lecture Programme, promises lively and interesting presentations and discussions about the currency and potential of creativity in…Continue Reading Guest Lecture by Dr Alec Shepley and Dr Jim Cheshire
Lincoln students launch My Student Style
Students at The University of Lincoln have been instrumental in launching the new student-led website  Launched this month My Student Style is a new website designed to help students get practical publishing experience to build their CVs for future employment. The national student website has inspired 35 Lincoln students so far, all with interests in journalism…Continue Reading Lincoln students launch My Student Style
New technique can find machinery gremlins 100 times faster
Academics from the Lincoln School of Engineering have devised a streamlined new process which can detect faults in industrial machines. Dr Jun Chen, Michael Gallimore, Professor Chris Bingham and Dr Yu Zhang, from the University of Lincoln, together with Professor Mahdi Mahfouf, from the University of Sheffield, have developed an algorithm that is more robust…Continue Reading New technique can find machinery gremlins 100 times faster
Student Change Projects: What do you think?
We are always looking for new ways to engage students in delivering meaningful positive change to their education and wider student experience. Building on the success of our other work and schemes from CERD (the Centre for Educational Research & Development), in the form of FED and UROS, we are soon to launch ‘Student Change Projects’…Continue Reading Student Change Projects: What do you think?
The Black Fish Speaking Tour – 7pm Tonight
A short film, talk and Q&As about the damage caused to our marine environment by intensive over fishing. On Thursday 24th October at 7pm we welcome Weitse van der Werf from the Black Fish to the University of Lincoln. The Black Fish are an international marine conservation movement working to raise awareness of the damage…Continue Reading The Black Fish Speaking Tour – 7pm Tonight