Category: Events

Postgraduate feedback surveys launched

The Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) and Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES) take approximately 15 minutes to take complete. Postgraduate students will have been sent an individual  link to the survey by email. Fore more information, please visit…Continue Reading Postgraduate feedback surveys launched

Students’ Union election results announced

More than 4,000 students voted in the 2015 election. Congratulations to all those elected into roles for the next academic year. The winning candidates are: President – Hayley Jayne Wilkinson Vice-President Welfare and Community – Wade Baverstock Vice-President Academic Affairs – Nyasha Takawira Vice-President Activities – Sammi Storey Societies Officer – Holly Band LGBT Officer…Continue Reading Students’ Union election results announced

Students’ Union Awards – Nominate today!

Help celebrate some of the fantastic achievement the University has made this year by nominating in the SU Awards Course of the Year – For this Award, we ask you to take into account teaching quality, feedback and organisation of the course. Does the course you’re nominating stand out as dynamic and offer examples of…Continue Reading Students’ Union Awards – Nominate today!

Lincoln and proud? Vote in the WhatUni? Student Choice Awards!

The WhatUni Student Choice Awards are just around the corner and all students are encouraged to provide feedback on their experience with us. Unlike other university league tables, the Whatuni Student Rankings are based entirely on the experiences of students through online student reviews. These reviews are an important resource for prospective students who value honest…Continue Reading Lincoln and proud? Vote in the WhatUni? Student Choice Awards!

React – Research into dieting – Participants Needed!

Are you fed up of dieting? Would you like to approach your weight management in a different way? Do you want to develop healthy eating? Want to take part in our research? We are inviting males and females to participate in a research study to explore how well a self-help strategy called ACT can aid…Continue Reading React – Research into dieting – Participants Needed!

Healthy Campus and Wellbeing Week from 2 March – 8 March

This annual event is designed to give both students and staff the opportunity to engage in activities that help improve overall positive wellbeing. There’s something for everyone and it’s all focused on your healthy lifestyle. This year it is even bigger with new and exciting activities such as Discounted Fitness Classes Tai Chi Free Sports…Continue Reading Healthy Campus and Wellbeing Week from 2 March – 8 March

Visit Lincoln: What to do in Lincoln this week

  Visit Lincoln are delighted to bring you the best things happening in the city this week. · Lincoln Farmers’ Market meets on High Street this Wednesday – fresh and local produce on your doorstep. · The Magna Carta lecture series continues on campus on Wednesday: ‘Magna Carta in a Global Perspective’ · Lincoln Cathedral…Continue Reading Visit Lincoln: What to do in Lincoln this week

Discover Islam Week Announced

Members of the University of Lincoln Students’ Union Islamic Society and their friends invite you to Discover Islam Week 2015! It’s all free! And everybody’s welcome! The week, consisting of a series of 5 Guest Speakers Lectures, is dedicated to helping raise awareness about Islam, dispel misconceptions and widen the Islamic knowledge of Muslims and…Continue Reading Discover Islam Week Announced