Category: Events

Did you apply to the University through Clearing?

The University of Lincoln’s Press Office team is keen to hear from students who came to Lincoln through Clearing, and have gone on to enjoy their university experience. The Press Office writes a number of case studies about our students’ experiences, to celebrate their successes and to encourage other young people to discover higher education….Continue Reading Did you apply to the University through Clearing?

Call for survey participants for Stand Together project

Call for survey participants for Stand Together: Challenging gender-based violence through prevention education Are you a student who wants to take part in an exciting research project and receive a £5 Amazon voucher? If you are, then please read on… We are team of researchers from the School of Social and Political Sciences, School of Health…Continue Reading Call for survey participants for Stand Together project

Lincoln Law Society guest lecture – 18 March

Professor Carole Hillenbrand OBE – Aspects of Sharia Law Join the University of Lincoln Law Society as they welcome Professor Hillenbrand to deliver a guest lecture on Sharia Law. ​The talk will discuss the origins of Sharia Law, and how it is perceived in modern day society, encompassing differing cultural views of Western and Eastern…Continue Reading Lincoln Law Society guest lecture – 18 March

Call for interview participants for Stand Together

Students, we need you! Call for interview participants for Stand Together: Challenging gender-based violence through prevention education Are you a student who wants to take part in an exciting research project and earn £15? If you are, the Stand Together team is very interested to hear from you. We are team of researchers from the…Continue Reading Call for interview participants for Stand Together

Student opportunities with EDEU

The Educational, Development and Enhancement Unit (EDEU) are recruiting for: •Student Recruiters •Student Reviewers •Student & Staff Insight Scheme •Students Consulting on Teaching (SCOTs) •Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) Student opportunities are open to both current undergraduate & postgraduate students at the University of Lincoln. The deadline for applications is 30 March. Visit for details….Continue Reading Student opportunities with EDEU

Are you interested in a career in teaching?

Are you interested in a career in teaching? If so, come along to our teaching career event on Thursday 19th March. It is an ideal opportunity to meet and ask questions to our teaching alumni, careers team and School of Education. 5.30pm to 7.00pm, Cargill Lecture Theatre. For more information, visit:!/events/1407587276207709/…Continue Reading Are you interested in a career in teaching?

Undergraduate Research Opportunities Scheme (UROS) 2015

Applications are now invited for UROS 2015. This scheme provides student bursaries for research projects undertaken collaboratively with staff over the summer. The deadline for application is 2 April 2015. The Undergraduate Research Opportunities Scheme is designed to encourage undergraduates to become involved in the research work of the University, thereby contributing to that work,…Continue Reading Undergraduate Research Opportunities Scheme (UROS) 2015

Missing Coventry University student Ozeivo Akerele

The University has been contacted by Coventry University following concerns regarding a missing students of theirs called Ozeivo Andrew Akerele. Ozeivo has been missing since 31 January 2015. The MSc Management of Information Technology student, known to his friends as Ozi, was last seen leaving a nightclub in Coventry city centre at around 3.30am on Saturday…Continue Reading Missing Coventry University student Ozeivo Akerele