Category: News

MMR vaccination advice

Public Health England and Universities UK are asking students across the UK to check that they have had two doses of the MMR vaccine in the past, following an increase in confirmed cases of measles in some areas of the country over the past few weeks….Continue Reading MMR vaccination advice

See Dallas Campbell live

A broadcaster who has brought his love of science and adventure to life for millions of viewers will lift the lid on the challenges of front line television in the University of Lincoln’s last Great Minds guest lecture of the academic year. Dallas Campbell, whose work includes the upcoming BBC2 aviation series City In The…Continue Reading See Dallas Campbell live

Introducing Alfie – the prototype care home robot

A robot being developed to help elderly people stay independent and active for longer has been named by residents of three local care homes where it is going to be tested. As part of the ENRICHME project – pioneering robotics research funded by an EU Horizon 2020 grant – residents from LACE Housing Association’s housing…Continue Reading Introducing Alfie – the prototype care home robot