Participants needed for weight management study

Healthy Campus


Are you fed up of dieting? Would you like to approach your weight management in a different way? Do you want to develop healthy eating? Want to take part in our research?

We are inviting students and staff to participate in a research study to explore how well a self-help strategy called ACT can aid weight management. The format will be via guided self-help over the course of five weeks and there will be a follow up in three months’ time.

If you are interested in participating you need to be: aged 18 or over, have a BMI over 25, want to manage your weight better, and be willing to commit to the study timeframe.

You will also be asked to meet with the researcher at the University four times in total where you will be asked to complete a computer based task, some questionnaires and your Body Mass Index (BMI) will be assessed.

The remainder of the study can be done from the comfort of your own home (e.g. complete questionnaires and receive weekly telephone support from the researcher). Afterwards, we will interview you to find out your views about whether it was helpful or not.

Are you interested in taking part? To see if you are eligible and get more detailed information please contact Mary Jinks at

This research is being conducted at the University of Lincoln and has been granted approval by the University of Lincoln Ethics Committee.