Education in a Digital Age | 7th Nov

This is a Lincoln Academy of Learning and Teaching (LALT) event with the theme of ‘Education in the Digital Age’.

With oversight from both academic and support colleagues, the goal is for this to be a celebration of best practice and to also be an opportunity to inspire experimentation of new digitally enhanced teaching practice, which is informed by practical application and pedagogical challenges.

Education in a Digital Age

The event will showcase examples of digital practice from staff across the University, with hands-on support sessions, practical demonstrations, workshops from leading suppliers: Panopto, Turnitin, and Talis. There will also be a chance to experience leading-edge Virtual Reality (VR) technologies from within the University.

With contributions from academics, students and support colleagues, this event looks at celebrating examples of best teaching practice and to also be an opportunity to inspire experimentation of new digitally enhanced teaching practice.

The showcase will finish with a keynote from the renowned INSIDE HE Education blogger Eric Stoller.

The day will host parallel sessions of presentations, maker spacers, showcases and workshops:

The event takes place on 7th November from 10.00am to 4.30pm in the Engine Shed.

For more details and a full timetable visit: