The University has a Multi-Faith Chaplaincy service, which offers pastoral care, a confidential listening ear and spiritual support to anyone in our University community, whether they consider themselves religious or not.
Based at Witham House, next to the Sports Centre on the main Brayford Pool Campus, it is led by the University Chaplain, Subash Chellaiah. The facility provides a place for worship, prayer, interfaith discussion and hospitality and can be used for meetings by registered Faith Societies of the University of Lincoln Students’ Union.
The Multi-Faith Chaplaincy also has a team of volunteer Chaplains and Faith Advisors from a range of different faiths and religions who are available to meet with students or staff by appointment. This includes representatives of local Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu and Jewish faith communities, among other faiths and religions. The service can also provide guidance about local places of worship and faith leaders in the local community.
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