Students’ Union Islamic Society meet and greet on Wednesday

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The University of Lincoln Students’ Union Islamic Society wishes you all peace, prosperity and success for the year ahead.

It was great to meet all the new students at the Freshers’ Fayre as well as catching up with those who are already part of the ISoc family over the Red September Campaign in aid of the British Heart Foundation.

The ISoc Meet & Greet event takes place on Wednesday 24 September at 6pm in Room BH0101, Ground Floor, Bridge House, Brayford Pool Campus.

It’s a great opportunity to meet the Committee and also a fantastic chance to meet the many staff and students, including local residents involved with the University who are involved in the work of the ISoc… there’s definitely more than meets the eye.

The Committee Members regularly check the inbox, so if you have any questions whatsoever, please do not hesitate to get in touch:

To get a flavour of what we’re about please visit our Facebook Group Page:

For further information about the Muslim community of Lincoln please visit our website: