Biogenetic effects on cognition study


Male? Aged between 25-60? Would you be interested in taking part in a research study investigating the effect our biology has on the way we think? You will receive a £10 payment for your participation.

This study, run by Dr Kyla Pennington in the School of Psychology, aims to discover what effect genetic and biological factors have on various aspects of cognitive ability. We know that some people do perform differently in memory, attention and decision-making and the influence of certain genes is not completely clear presently. This research will help to reveal this link more clearly.

Taking part in the study takes around 1.5 hours and you will receive a £10 payment for your time.
If you are interested in finding out more about what taking part involves please contact Dr Kyla Pennington, or Daniel Wenman by email:, or by telephone 01522 886199, 07917534549.