Kickstart – New Careers Workshops

Last semester Careers and Employability piloted a programme Kick Start.

This intensive five week programme introduced second year students to graduate training schemes, skills analysis, assessment centres and CVs and applications.


Sign up deadline March 21st 2014

1 x 90 minute session, once a week for five weeks

  • Dates programme will be running 26th March, 2nd, 9th 30th April and May 7th
  • Sessions to choose from 12.00- 1.30, 2.00 – 3.30  or 4.00 – 5.30

For more information, please visit

This years programme has also been expanded upon from last years feedback to include a session on financial planning for your future.

Send your expression of interest via an email with a small paragraph describing why you would like to attend and attach your CV to
