Experience the Polestar Planetarium – 17-21 March




The experience involves not only a dazzling visual presentation but, for schools in particular, creates an opportunity for interaction by pupils who are encouraged to participate and to take away a vivid and lasting impression which will also stand them in good stead for future curriculum work. The content of each presentation is tailored to the audience and is presented by a qualified teacher familiar with the requirements of the curriculum and skilled in engaging both children and adults.

The planetarium is an inflatable dome (6m in diameter) capable of holding up to 40 children and supervising adults or up to 25 adults. Specialist projectors are used to create a 360 degree, hemispherical image of the night sky and large, hi-resolution NASA images. The experience is further enhanced by film and music.

Sessions running:

  • 9.30am – 10.30am
  • 11am – 12pm
  • 12.30pm – 1.30pm
  • 2pm – 3pm
  • 3.30pm – 4.30pm

Atrium, Main Administration Building, University of Lincoln.

A typical presentation lasts for 45mins to an hour.

The planetarium is just one of the many events taking part all over the Brayford Campus as part of National Science and Engineering Week.

For details of other activities please go to http://www.lincoln.ac.uk/home/campuslife/whatson/eventsconferences/event,name,30000,en.html

To book onto this event please contact the Events Team on: 01522 837100.