New ‘Approaches to Marx’ Reading Group


Monday 10th March 2014 at 4.10-5pm in MB 1006 –

First meeting of the Lincoln University ‘Approaches to Marx’ Reading Group

About the Reading Group:
The Reading Group is interdisciplinary and designed for any undergraduates, postgraduates, research students and staff interested in Marx. It aims to promote engagement with Marxist theories and to offer opportunities for discussion.
The first session will be a general meeting with a ‘free and open’ discussion of research interests and future direction.
The first reading (very short) is taken from Marx’s Capital Volume 1, Chapter 1 ‘Commodities’ and will help to inform and stimulate debate. Copies can be requested electronically.
Possible topics for discussion may include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Marxism/Post-Marxism
• Marx and American literature
• Cultural studies and historical approaches to Marx
• 20/21st century literature
• Eco-criticism and environmental studies
• Ethnicity and national identity
• Gender studies
• Marxism and Modernism/ Postmodernism
• Poetry/ Theatre studies
• Economics and theory
• Marx and religion
• Victorian literature and Marx
If you are interested in attending, or require additional information, please contact Andy Rowcroft at
or in person at the MHT, second floor, hot desk room.