Mobile Covid-19 Vaccination Unit Available in Central Lincoln, Saturday 26 June

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Anyone in Lincoln over the age of 18 will have the chance to receive their first COVID-19 vaccination without the need for an appointment by visiting a mobile vaccination unit in the city centre on Saturday 26th June.

NHS Lincolnshire will be giving COVID-19 vaccinations in the car park of the Arboretum (by the Monks Road entrance) on Saturday 26th June, between 12pm and 3pm.

The ‘Vaccination Bus’ is helping with the roll out of the vaccination programme in local communities. The bus will be provided by St John Ambulance with staff from local GP practices providing vaccinations.

Anyone who wishes to receive their first dose of the vaccination will be able to do so just by turning up on the day with no booking required. Anyone aged 18 or over in England is now eligible for a vaccination for Covid-19.

Alternatively, you can book directly to have your vaccination at a larger vaccination centre (such as Lincolnshire Showground) via the NHS website or by telephoning 119.

You do not need to have both vaccine doses at the same location – so if you plan to return home for the summer, you could have one or both doses at your home address.

The University encourages uptake of the vaccine by students and staff as an essential step towards keeping our community safe and emerging from the Coronavirus pandemic.

Around 4 out of 5 adults have now had their first dose of the vaccine and more than half have had both doses, which provides maximum protection against Covid-19. With the expansion of eligibility to all adults in England, the NHS will be sending text messages to around 1.5million people aged 18-20 to encourage them to book their vaccination appointments.