Brayford Wharf East Closure to Pedestrians

In October 2018, Network Rail began work to construct a new pedestrian footbridge across the level crossing on Brayford Wharf East. Our Estates team has been in close contact with Network Rail throughout the project and have now been notified that in order to safely complete the next phase, it will be necessary to close the level crossing to pedestrians from the 2nd January 2019. The closure will be in place for approximately six weeks.

In addition, from the 2nd January 2019 there will be no pedestrian access to the campus using the Eastern Approach. This route will be closed for approximately six days.

While every effort has been made to maintain pedestrian access during these works, the safety of our staff and students is our top priority and we will continue to liaise with Network Rail as the works progress.

The footbridge will significantly improve pedestrian access to both sides of the campus once it is completed. In the short-term, please be aware that it may take longer to move across campus and allow ample time to move between locations. A map of alternative routes can be found here: Level Crossing Diversion

While the work is taking place we expect there to be increased noise levels on the eastern side of the campus. To minimise disruption during the busy exam period, we recommend that students familiarise themselves with the quiet study spaces that are available. A map of quiet study spaces can be accessed here: Brayford Campus Map_Library Learning Lounges 2018