Lincoln Connect

Want to connect with graduates and employers?

Join Lincoln Connect today to discover how graduates and professionals made their way into work after leaving University.

What is Lincoln Connect?

Lincoln Connect is the University of Lincoln’s exclusive online community- much similar to LinkedIn however exclusively for Lincoln University students only! It gives students the opportunity to connect with alumni and employers to seek career support, advice, and industry insights.

You can find out more information here in this Lincoln Connect Guide for students.

What’s in it for me?

Lincoln Connect makes it easy for students like you to get in touch with alumni and employers to seek advice and information about their industries. You can connect as and when you need advice or take part in more formal mentorship programmes.

Finding a mentor is a great way to discover how graduates and professionals made their way into work after leaving University, what challenges they may have faced and what they’ve learned over their career so far.

So, download Lincoln Connect today to start networking, seeking advice & information about specific industries, and to gain access to e-mentoring opportunities!

Click here to join Lincoln Connect today!