If you are a home student experiencing financial difficulties, the Student Support Centre may be able to help through the University of Lincoln Financial Assistance Funds which are designed to help home students with living and course related costs. For more information, please visit our website:
University of Lincoln Financial Assistance Funds – https://lncn.ac/8r – (home fee status students only). Please ensure you complete the right form so your application can be correctly assessed.
- Term Time Fund
- Summer Fund (available during the summer vacation period)
You can also find more information on other financial support available which includes:
- Course-related Travelling Grant – a contribution towards course-related travel, such as work placement, to attend a course, or to study abroad which may be unaffordable
- Commuting Travel Grant – a contribution towards your travel costs if you are an undergraduate student who lives in Lincolnshire and commutes to attend classes
The Student Support Centre also manages other bursaries such as the Hesslewood Children’s Trust bursary (https://lncn.ac/hsslwd) which is available for 2nd year undergraduate students, aged below 25, who went to school in Kingston upon Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire, North Lincolnshire, North East Lincolnshire, Gainsborough or Caistor. Applications are made via the University of Lincoln Financial Assistance Funds Term Time Fund.
*** APPLY NOW – https://lncn.ac/8r ***
The above Funds are only available to home students. If you are an International Student in financial difficulty and wish to speak with someone, please email studentsupport@lincoln.ac.uk.
To find out more about the support offered, please visit our website where you will find budgeting, debt, welfare, and council tax advice, and much more: https://studentservices.lincoln.ac.uk/
For more information or to discuss your financial situation with a Specialist Advisor, please email studentsupport@lincoln.ac.uk and one of the team will get back to you.Â