Message from the Vice Chancellor

Dear Students

I want to start by thanking you all for your engagement and “can do” approach in the move to online learning. We are all doing this together in response to unexpected and unprecedented circumstances we are all facing, and I really appreciate everyone embracing this change so positively.

I have been pleased and grateful to receive supportive comments from students. We really welcome your feedback – please do speak to your School directly or complete the survey which the Student Union is circulating. Online will remain our method of delivery until the end of the academic year and we are keen to hear about your experiences – good and bad.

I also wanted to update you on your examinations and assessments going forward.

There has been a huge amount of activity in your schools with your programme teams and programme leaders around the organisation of examinations and assessments over the last few days.

I know that you are all keen to understand what the plans for your course are. I am sure you appreciate that these are complex decisions with many factors involved, which need to be considered carefully to ensure fairness and the best opportunities for you all in the circumstances we find ourselves in nationally.

Programmes, naturally, as subjects are different and have different needs, vary across the University, and many are regulated by professional bodies which is outside of the University’s control. This means we cannot make blanket, one-size-fits-all decisions across all courses. We need to ensure that approaches are tailored appropriately for each specific academic area and academic discipline.

Currently all universities understand that global circumstances mean that we are unlikely to be able to provide any face-to-face examinations or assessments and staff are currently developing alternatives.

In some cases, where marks do not contribute to degree classifications, you may not be required to undertake examinations or assessments at the end of the year as your programme teams can use assessment already undertaken. However, this will not be the case for all programmes, so please watch out for communications from your School, which will clearly set out the approach for your course. Please regularly check your University email or look on Blackboard for information as it comes through.

You may find that friends on different courses have different approaches or requirements in terms of examinations and assessments; so, any changes for them may well not be the same for you. This is to be expected as different disciplines have different needs and requirements. This would always have been the case. Please do not worry, we are working to be as measured and fair as possible to all of our students, and to adhere to regulatory requirements as well as working within the logistical challenges of this situation. Please do understand that academics and support staff are doing all they can to respond as rapidly as possible to this changing environment but we need to get this right for you and ensure standards across the institution, so we are considering carefully the best ways forward.

We are working to ensure assignments and coursework continue to be assessed fairly. In some cases, this will mean changes to deadlines as we adjust to the new ways of working. Please keep an eye out for communications on deadlines from your School, which for many students will remain the same. Please check your University email account and Blackboard for information as it comes out.

All of us, your staff and tutors, understand that this is a worrying time and that you may be impacted by the current situation. Extension requests should be made as usual through your School, and these will be treated flexibly and sympathetically with your interests at heart. Equally, once we enter the Extenuating Circumstances period, we will be flexible around evidence requirements.

I am aware that some of our international students have chosen to return home and we are considering how we ensure that everyone, no matter where they are located in the world, or what time zone they are in, can access assessments fairly.

For students with learning support plans we will be making sure you are not disadvantaged through any changes to assessment.

Finally, let me thank you for your patience and understanding at this time as we strive to solve these issues as quickly as we can. Teams here at the University have been working long and hard to try and give prompt reassurance and develop solutions. Our immediate aim was to ensure that your learning was not disrupted, and I have been heartened by the really positive messages that I have received from students and their families.

Please do watch out for School communications regarding your assessments in the next few days, if you have not already received them. These should come through your University email address and/or Blackboard and you should check your inbox regularly and go onto your Blackboard site to see information.

Above all, please remember your academic and professional services teams remain here to support you and, if you have any concerns, there is help on hand and do always feel free to get in touch with your tutors and School.

Can I end by sending my very best wishes for you as you move through and complete your year of study with us. Stay strong and safe, you are such great ambassadors for the University at the very difficult time for us all. I am very proud of you all.

Take care,

Professor Mary Stuart

Vice Chancellor

University of Lincoln