Be Inspired! Lecture: Dr Anna Tarrant – Becoming a Future (Research) Leader

Anna Tarrant

In this presentation, Anna tells the story of her journey to an award of a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship. These prestigious fellowships support researchers to make the transition from early to established career, as well as to internationalise their research.

The development of the proposal required careful consideration, not only of the planned research, but also how the Fellow expects to develop their leadership in research. Anna therefore provides an overview of the planned study, ‘Following Young Fathers Further’ and its potential to advance theoretical, methodological and substantive agendas with real policy and practice implications for young fathers. She also considers the mechanisms for ensuring the success of the bid and how she plans to take this forward as her journey to leadership progresses.

Tuesday 3rd March 2020
Lecture 6pm
Wine Reception 7pm
Minerva Building – Jackson Lecture Theatre

Anna Tarrant is an Associate Professor in Sociology based in the School of Social and Political Sciences, her research has broadly focused on men’s care responsibilities and support needs, particularly in low-income families. This work has been funded by a Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowship (2014-2018) and the Leeds Social Sciences Institute Impact Acceleration Account (2016-2017).

Anna is currently a steering group member for the Fatherhood Development Programme and for the Aspiring to be a ‘Child Friendly Lincoln’ initiative called ‘Children of Lincoln’ chaired by Dr Sue Bond-Taylor. She has also recently been appointed to the editorial board of Sociology and Gender, Place and Culture.

This lecture is free to attend, but booking is essential – book your tickets here: