#GetConsent Campaign

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The University is supporting a campaign aimed at raising awareness of consent.

The #GetConsent campaign has been launched by Lincolnshire Police in an effort to dispel the myths surrounding consent and to highlight the support available for people who have experienced sexual assault.

Detective Supt Jon McAdam, Head of the Protecting Vulnerable Persons Unit at Lincolnshire Police said: “It’s important that students coming into the city see our Force as one to be trusted, one that is proactive in the highlighting of the importance of consent and one that will investigate a case meticulously and with compassion.

“We have a department of specially trained officers who work closely with highly skilled, specialist partners to ensure anyone who is a victim of sexual assault can get the right support they need.”

“If you do report a sexual assault to us, your report will be taken seriously and handled sensitively.”

Head of Student Wellbeing Julie Spencer said: “Lincoln is a safe city and a great place to live, work and study. We offer students support here at the university and work closely with police and other partners to ensure that students are supported in the wider context – which is why we are pleased to support this campaign.”

For more information about consent what consent is visit: https://www.lincs.police.uk/news-campaigns/campaigns/consent-campaign-targets-freshers-week/

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