Unique ‘Brian Day’ Raises Money for Medical School Fundraising Campaign

Brian Winston and students on 'Brian Day'

A group of Film Production students recently donned flat caps and braces in honour of Professor Brian Winston from the Lincoln School of Film and Media, raising over £70 for the University’s Medical School.

The students held the ‘Brian Day’ as a way to raise money for the local hospital, where Brian has been regularly visiting a friend. It was later decided that the money would instead go towards the campaign to raise funding for the University’s state-of-the-art Medical School facility.

The major fundraising campaign was launched earlier this year to help raise funds towards the £21.1 million building, giving local people and businesses the chance to help to create this cutting-edge facility where tomorrow’s doctors will train.

Harriet Mellor, Film Production student and organiser of the event said: “It started as my silly idea to dress up as Brian for his birthday and it went from there. We are delighted that we raised so much and happy that it is going to such a good cause”

Professor Brian Winston said of the day: “This is by far the best birthday present I got – even including being invited into the cockpit of a British Airways plane as they worked out that I was flying on my birthday!

“We have agreed that the collection will be donated to the University Medical School campaign in the name of the FIL1002 students.”