Here are some useful links, contacts and resources for students, so you’re not stuck for information while we work to fix the technical issues with Blackboard.
Timetables are unaffected by the issues with Blackboard. You can find them from the Blackboard landing page or at:
Access your student email
Some staff will be sharing learning materials by email for students, so please check your university email regularly. Log in through the Gateway at:
Reading lists
You can find reading lists by module on the library website at Just type in the module code or browse lists by keyword or academic name. Contact the Library or Academic Subject Librarian for more advice if needed.
Assignment hand in
If you are submitting an assignment whilst Blackboard is unavailable, please email it to your School Office or tutor.
Extenuating circumstances
If you need to apply for extenuating circumstances you should talk to your personal tutor. You can find details and apply on the homepage of the University intranet, The Portal at this link or from the icon on the Portal homepage:
If you still need to enrol, you can do this at the Student Support Centre on campus or by emailing: to make arrangements.