Great Lives: Tom Heap | 17th Oct

Tom Heap Countryfile

Staff and students are invited to the next in our Great Lives series, a talk by Tom Heap on Tuesday 17th October at 5.30pm. 

Tuesday 17 October 2017 | 5:30pm for 6:00pm lecture | LPAC

Tom Heap Countryfile

TV presenter Tom Heap is a freelance broadcaster and journalist with a passionate concern for rural affairs, science and the environment. Tom presents the investigations on Countryfile – Britain’s most popular factual TV programme. This feature is the most journalistic element of the show, where breaking news and revealing the hidden depths of current rural and environment stories. He is also the principal voice of ‘Costing the Earth’ on Radio 4, the nations only dedicated environment series. He is also a regular Panorama reporter covering food, farming energy and wildlife.

His style is both informal and informative, seeking to engender a lively atmosphere and useful knowledge for the audience. Tom is valued for his specialist understanding and experience of how the media handles often controversial topics within the rural affairs and environment sector. The lecture title and content is to be confirmed in the coming weeks and will form part of the University of Lincoln’s Great Lives lecture series.

This lecture is free to attend but prior booking is essential. Please book online via:


The Great Lives Series

The Great Lives series gives an insight into the achievements of leading influential figures and recognisable faces from backgrounds such as the arts, business and economics, politics, health and science as well as bringing more local leading Lecturers and Visiting Professors to the fore.

Designed for prospective students, our own staff and students and members of the public alike, the aim is to inspire and encourage thoughtful conversation about careers, industries and disciplines alongside showcasing some of the diverse research and activities that take place within the University.